Southern Launch works alongside South Australian Country Fire Service to mitigate bushfire risks
IMAGE: Southern Launch CEO Lloyd Damp with Minister for Emergency Services Joe Szakacs
Southern Launch, in conjunction with the South Australian Country Fire Service (CFS), are working to prevent bushfire risk as a result of launch activities ahead of the upcoming Fire Danger Season.
Southern Launch has been working extensively with the CFS regional office in Port Lincoln to prepare a launch site that meets regulatory requirements and ensures launch activities can be conducted in a safe and responsible manner.
CFS Regional Commander Brendon Saers says providing expert advice and guidance around fire safety risks is core business for the CFS across the state, including on projects such as Southern Launch.
‘As with any activity, whether that be community-based or a private venture, the CFS has a responsibility to provide advice. We have been working closely with Southern Launch as they develop their bushfire management plans and emergency response protocols that will mitigate the risk of bushfires from launch activities as much as possible.’
‘The CFS assesses the safety of launch activities during fire ban seasons and provides permits for Southern Launch to conduct launch activities.’ Mr Saers continues.
Our on-ground fire cover at launch events will not impact on our ability to respond to other incidents in the area, as we bring in additional resources to allow us to safely monitor launches.’
‘The CFS as a service understands that South Australia’s investment in the space industry is a significant step forward for the state, and this is reflected in the overwhelmingly positive response from our volunteers with many keen to be a part of these historic events.’ said Mr Saers.
Southern Launch has also invested significantly in developing in-house firefighting capability and fire suppression systems for the launch pad at the Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex, reducing reliance on support from the local CFS crews.
Southern Launch CEO Lloyd Damp says, ‘We appreciate the support and guidance the CFS has provided to our team to ensure we can conduct safe and sustainable launches from our launch complexes. We are committed to public safety and conserving native flora and fauna around our spaceports. Investing in strategies and infrastructure to reduce the risk of bushfire is integral to our operations.’
Minister for Emergency Services, Joe Szakacs is also supportive of the collaboration between Southern Launch and the CFS. Minister Szakacs says, ‘I wholeheartedly support any technology or ways that can be used to mitigate the risk of bushfires as we approach summer.’
‘Safety is the number one priority at all times. This collaboration between the CFS and Southern Launch will bolster already capable risk mitigation strategies and methods.’ Minister Szakacs continues.
The launch trajectory from the Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex is over the Southern Ocean which further minimises risk to the environment.
Space launches from Southern Launch’s facilities will contribute upwards of $450 million to the South Australian economy. The launch facilities will also deliver almost 500 FTE new, high-tech, employment opportunities in Adelaide and regional South Australia.