
Southern Launch is committed to supporting local communities through investment, education programs and sponsorship.


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Provided opportunities for more than 3000 students to learn about space launch activities through school visits and community outreach events.

3 years

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Sponsored a three year research project lead by Flinders University to monitor and track bird species endemic to the Whalers Way area.


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Provided over $40,000 worth of sponsorship to local community organisations on the Eyre Peninsula, university student clubs and space industry events in South Australia.


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More than 20 school and university students have participated in work experience and internship programs providing valuable real-world experience in the space industry.



The development of the Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex and Koonibba Test Range will bring significant investment to regional South Australia. Local companies will be used throughout the construction of the sites resulting in local jobs for local people.

The Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex is ensuring the Eyre Peninsula plays a leading role in – and benefits from – South Australia’s multibillion dollar space industry. With the Australian Space Agency, the country’s satellite industry and now its first commercial orbital launch facility, South Australia will be confirmed as the space state.  And Port Lincoln and the Eyre Peninsula will be at the heart of this new industry – creating a regional space economy with a vast range of job opportunities directly and in-directly supporting the industry. 

Locally, the facility will drive inward investment and tourism, while creating a vibrant local economy which can retain young professionals and families by attracting others into the area.

Southern Launch also welcomes the secondary investment the development of the spaceports will deliver for local retail and hospitality outlets in Port Lincoln, Koonibba and Ceduna.

A concept drawing of the proposed Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex


Southern Launch is committed to conserving and nurturing the native fauna and flora around our spaceports.

See the environment page for detailed information on how we’re working to generate a net environmental benefit around our spaceports.

The natural environment around Koonibba Test Range

Getting involved

Watching a live launch

Recommended viewing areas will be listed on our social media pages for the local community and tourists to view a launch once the launch window is announced.

Launch exclusion areas do apply during the launch window. See the Upcoming Missions page for detailed information.

Education programs

Since 2018 Southern Launch staff have proudly presented to over 3000 school children across South Australia and look forward to engaging with more schools and students over the years to come.

Southern Launch is committed to engaging with local schools to assist in STEM subject education. Please see our education outreach page for more information on our school visits.

Also, make sure you check out South Australian Space Industry Centre’s Educational Resources website. The site is packed with exciting resources and programs to encourage and support the next generation of space enthusiasts!


Tourists flock to spaceports around the world to watch rocket launches. We predict that launches from the Koonibba Test Range and Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex will result in increased tourism for the local region.

The land around the Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex is a local tourism attraction that will remain open to the public outside of launch windows.